MY MONEY WEEK : 9th - 13th June 2025

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We all understand the importance of managing our own personal finance and it is of equal importance to educate children to prepare them for their financial futures.

Here are some fun activities delivering  the similarities and differences between using debit cards and credit cards. Please feel free to use the resources as you wish and I have provided a few ideas to start things off…


This is a great place to start. Show the slides for an overview of debit cards and credit cards and discuss the different information included on each card. You can give further explanation for each element suitable for the age of your pupils.


Debit card and credit card templates are available for pupils to create their own personalised finance card. Pupils will love making their own debit and/or credit card and develop their understanding of how each type of card is used and how they can be managed.

 There are 4 cards to each page including both the front and back ready for print. 

For the best finish, print on to card.


1.       Cut each page into 4 strips to show the front and back of each card side by side.

2.       Fold in half to show the front and back of the card.

3.       Glue the inside to form a rigid card.

4.       Wait for the glue to dry and trim around the edges.


Use the information slides above and refresh the pupils on the different elements of each card to make the card unique to each pupil.


The pupils can write their name on the front of the card, but should use only random numbers to populate all other required information on the card. 

Discuss which personal numbers should not be used by the?  i.e. DOB, phone number, etc…


If the pupils use their own name, you can now highlight the importance that they keep their card safe and away from others to help keep themselves financially secure.

Discuss what would happen if a teacher, pupil or anybody else were to find their card and how this personal information would be at their fingertips!


There are many ways in which this activity can be delivered, here are a couple of ideas…


You can play out a one month period using the debit card.  As a class provide the pupils with a series of transactions throughout the month for the pupils to fill in on the provided transaction sheet and/or rear of the debit card. Ask the pupils for their own ideas on transactions, but ensure to include the depositing of money back into the account to demonstrate how this operates.

The pupils could also set up their own shop selling 1 or 2 virtual items for the other pupils to purchase using their debit card. This should stimulate discussion on using contactless or chip & PIN transactions. This will allow the pupils selling to make deposits into their account as well as debiting the accounts of the purchasing pupil. Intervene with some whole class transactions. You could run a competition to see who has the most sales from the pupils’ final balances at the end of the session.


Similar to the debit card activity above, but extend to over a 3 month period of time to allow for the transition from month-to-month to be demonstrated. This will help pupils identify the fundamental differences between using debit and credit cards and how any outstanding balance on a credit card will be carried forward to the following month and incur interest, set by the teacher, of course.