Full Access to the MYminiMATHS+ Premium Resource Zone – only £14.99 for the 2024-25 academic year.

All 40 Year 6 SATs arithmetic questions included in the practice papers provide 16 practice targeted SATs questions alongside a YouTube video tutorial supporting pupils’ understanding, application and confidence.

All of the KS2 SATs arithmetic target questions have been taken from the practice SATs papers. Learners can identify SATs questions needing additional support using the Arithmetic Tracker and with extra practice and support from the help video, can master the full SATs paper.

All target questions have been designed to be used as bespoke intervention for individuals or groups of pupils in preparation for the Key Stage 2 SATs.

What resources are available for each Target Question?...
Each of the 40 target questions are supported using 2 approaches...


A total of 640 focus questions covering all 40 key arithmetic target questions. Fully updated for 2025 SATs...


Whiteboard friendly answer sheets are provided for all 40 target questions making assessment of understanding quick & easy.


Improve pupil fluency, application & reasoning skills.
Collect Mission Credits with the new Arithmetic Missions daily activities for all 40 Target Questions.

Identify Target Questions for your KS2 Year pupils using the base level for your year group...

Each base colour targets the learning expectations of a year group, as labelled above.

Please take a look & try the Target Question 1 resources below...